Rav Mendel Weinbach zt”l was the beloved founder of Yeshivat Ohr Sameach. He is someone who has brought hundreds—if not thousands of Jews—closer to the Ribbono Shel Olam. Below is a roundup of articles, links, and audio that relate to this great Torah giant.

Jewish Press Announcement of Rav Mendel Weinbach’s Levaya

Rav Mendel Weinbach zt”l’s speech at the the 2012 Siyum HaShas in Jerusalem

Rav Mendel Weinbach Audio
A vast listing of available audio shuirim given by Rav Mendel Weinbach.

Hespid of Rav Mendel Weinbach zt”l
A beautiful eulogy given by Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz.

Video of Rav Mendel Weinbach zt”l speaking at the 2012 Siyum HaShas in Jerusalem.


Rav Mendel Weinbach zt”l explains the meaning of Tu BeShevat


Below, we have embedded just one of the many books that Rav Mendel Weinbach zt”l penned during his lifetime.

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