At NLE Resources, we keep our eye on the news to bring you timely articles and links that we think a rabbi or Jewish educator would find interesting! We have decided to share some of these links in a weekly feature on the blog. Enjoy!
1) Hundreds join dying dog for his final walk on favorite beach
2) Morgan Spurlock From Supersize Me is Opening a Fast Food Restaurant
3) This guy’s Hot Wheels collection is worth over $1 million
4) Donald Trump reportedly never expected to make it past the primaries
5) These Are the Hottest Words Found in Startup Descriptions
6) The Chazon Ish on Women Learning Gemara
7) 6 Tips for Hosting an Interview Series on Your Blog
8) How I talked to my kid about Trump
9) A former FBI negotiator shares one of the best tricks you can use in a negotiation
10) How the polls got it wrong