Mail -- it's one of those things you cannot live with and cannot live without. On the one hand it is a useful way of communication, on the other hand, it never seems to stop and it just keeps piling up. As a rabbi, you might not be surprised to learn that almost every Tzedaka organization in the world seems to have my shul on their mailing list.
Editor's note: This vort is about me and about you. You may recognize certain people in this vort and you will think you know who they are. And you may be correct; however, equally correct is everyone else who is 'sure' they know the person I am referring to. The truth is that I am referring to everyone and to no one; to you and to me; to us as a whole. If you

I am embarrassed this morning. I am embarrassed for two reasons. I am embarrassed that this week my computer imploded and I am faced with the loss of all of my 'creative writing' for the past five years. Why I am embarrassed about this? I am embarrassed that I am so upset about this!
*Note: The following is about no one is particular and is about everyone. It is not about anyone you know or anyone you may think you recognize; however, it is about you and about all of us. The character is totally fictional, yet accurately portrays a real person. For most of us, our lives are defined by times of happiness and tranquility mingled with what are hopefully minor

There is a place tucked away in the alleyways of the Holy City; its structure is not grand and it has no massive lobby and certainly no parking lot. The building is not impressive and it is not on the list of the ten ‘must see' places on most people's itinerary when they come to Israel. That's too bad, because it really is a place to visit. It is a place to daven. It is a place to learn.
On March 9, 1959, “Barbie” was born. Since then, “It is estimated that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold worldwide in over 150 countries, with Mattel claiming that three Barbie dolls are sold every second.” (Wikipedia) The iconic doll which has become symbolic of the unique American materialistic culture has been the object of both communal desire and controversy. The doll's critics have claimed, “the doll gave girls
There has been much pain and anguish for all of us over the brutal, cold blooded murder of the four unarmed tzadikim killed last week adorned in their tallis and tefillin while in the middle of davening. Our hearts are aching and our eyes are still tearful. However, let us not allow our sincere and worthy tears to dim our vision; the pain must not muddle our clarity of thought and cause us to forget the fact that there is a