Are you looking for ways to engage students and make a lasting impact on them? Nonprofits are an excellent resource for enhancing student success, developing meaningful, empowering relationships, and providing key resources that will lead to improved academic performance. Read on to see what your nonprofit can do to successfully engage students. The number of... Read more »
For 15 years, the Minneapolis Community Kollel had been raising a nice amount of money at their annual dinners. Last summer, they ran their first online crowdfunding campaign. And raised $629,000 – almost double what their dinners had been bringing in. After the campaign dust had settled, Rabbi Avigdor Goldberger, CEO of the kollel, shared with... Read more »
Cryptocurrency has become the most popular donation option in many countries, and crypto investors are among the most coveted donor associations in history. Most of the big owners of Bitcoins, Litecoin and Ethereum are young, wealthy people motivated to share their capital. They donate hundreds of millions of dollars in cryptocurrencies annually, and nonprofit companies... Read more »
Be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Exodus (19:6) THE SWEEPING BREADTH OF HOLINESS Leviticus 19 is one of those chapters that totally changes our perspective on how to live our lives. Moses gathers the entire nation together, [1] and he transmits G-d’s instruction: “Be holy, because I, the Lord your G-d, am... Read more »
Once you’ve established your nonprofit, you will find that you often need to be your own graphic designer to make both offline and online flyers to advertise/raise money for your cause(s). As such, we encourage you to know of sites such as and Both of these sites are: 1) free, 2) simple to... Read more »
We are honored to inform our readership of Jewish leaders and nonprofit professionals about a special offering from a frequent contributor to Olami Resources: Rabbi Dr. Naphtali Hoff’s ProductiveU. As leaders, we do not have much time. At ProductiveU, on Sunday, February 19, 2023 we will take a one-day deep dive productivity masterclass for busy... Read more »
We all know that it’s important to come up with good font combos so your website, brochures and promotional materials look sharp. Now, if you aren’t a designer, it’s hard to choose nice fonts. Enter: Font Joy. This helpful website chooses them for you! • Lock in a font you want • Or start from... Read more »
In Parshas Bo, God carries out the final tenth plague, the killing of the first born Egyptian children, “So that you shall know that God will have differentiated between Egypt and Israel” [Shemos
Achieving holiness is a goal of almost every major religion, but the definition of holiness differs from religion to religion. In Judaism, there are numerous definitions of holiness. Unlike most religions that demand holiness only from its leaders, Judaism demands holiness from each and every person. One of the goals of Judaism is to have... Read more »
It’s seemingly been years since the world shut down on March 13, 2020. Businesses and nonprofits wondered in unison, “How are we going to survive?” And yet, Baruch Hashem, so many of us are still here to help the world! How did we do it? We Got Creative We turned to online fundraising events and... Read more »