As a rabbi or spiritual leader of your community, you are charged with overseeing various Jewish lifecyle events. At times, you will be the one to lead a joyous occasion such as a Bar Mitzvah or a wedding. The role of a rabbi
Halachically Speaking is a monthly publication compiled by Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits, a former chaver kollel of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath and a musmach
Recently, a rabbi contacted us through our website asking for links to sites that address topics such as contemporary halacha as well as Choshen Mishpat. Below, we share with you two links to sites that address such matters.
What is Halachipedia? Halachipedia is not a posek. In fact, the site openly makes this proclamation on their About Us page. What the free site does offer the rabbi or educator is an organized list of topics that starts from the basics and then work through many different aspects of Halacha. Arguably the best feature of the site is the fact... Read more »