KASHRUS Magazine is giving away up to 1,000 FREE one year subscriptions (value $25) to people anywhere in the USA who begin keeping kosher in 5776 (September 2015—September 2016). KASHRUS Magazine, the periodical for the kosher consumer, informs the public on the latest in kosher news.
“We want to enhance the wonderful work that rabbis and outreach professionals are doing to help Jews return to their heritage. It is our hope thatKASHRUS Magazine will strengthen their commitment to Jewish observance in general and to eating kosher food in particular,” said Rabbi Yosef Wikler, editor of KASHRUS Magazine. “We receive dozens of calls daily, many from those who find that the demands of eating kosher food are proving challenging. We look forward to reaching these newly kosher-observant Jews with information that will help them in this new endeavor.”
To receive a subscription, one must be presented by a rabbi who is aware of that person becoming kosher this year. Our definition of “becoming kosher” is to kosher one’s home or, for those who live with others, to decide to accept full kosher observance.
Outreach professionals should contact KASHRUS Magazine to recommend newly kosher observant people. Call 718-336-8544, fax 718-336-8550, email kashrus@aol.com, or write to KASHRUS, POB 204, Brooklyn, NY 11204.