Rabbi Yehoshua Pffefer writes, “In Parashas Vayeishev we begin to learn about the importance of dreams. Yaakov Avinu, the Torah informs us, “kept the matter” of Yosef’s prophetic dreams, anticipating their future fulfillment. Ultimately, the dreams were realized when Yaakov and his sons were brought before Yosef, the
Many think that religion is confined to the realm of other-worldly matters. Yet, Judaism rejects this sharp division between secular and religious spheres, and urges us to sanctify the mundane. The ordinary elements of
Rabbi Yehoshua Lewis is the founder of Mesorah NJ, an outreach network in New Jersey, reaching out, inspiring and educating university students and young professionals. Chapters have been established in Highland Park, Morristown, and Hoboken/Jersey City. We asked
Chanukah is very much in vogue today, and not just because it provides a convenient excuse to give presents during “the holiday season.” Its celebration of the miraculous Jewish victory over the Greek challenge to Judaism fits the popular mold of beating the odds, the underdog having his day, and religious freedom
Want to end the school year with a bang? Excite your students with multimedia educational materials, including high quality videos showcasing the beauty and meaning of the mitzvos. Here's your
Social media websites offer huge opportunities for nonprofits. Instead of trying to reach out to donors and supporters solely by organizing events, these organizations have a chance to attract a greater audience if they use social media networks with a smart strategy. Are you interested in learning how a social media marketing strategy
In the past, we featured posts called, How to Find and Use Free Images for Your Flyers, Websites, Blogs and More as well as 4 New Free Sites to Improve Your Flyers, Websites, Blogs & More. We received several emails of thanks after these posts went live. After all, rabbis and educators are always on the lookout for sites
Have you ever wanted to write an email now or on a quiet Motzei Shabbos but send it to a donor, congregant or student at a later date and time? Maybe you are sending a Shana Tova greeting and would like the email message to be delivered on an exact day. Or you have written the reply to an email but would
Recently, we featured a blogpost called: 5 Easy Ways to Livestream Your Shiurim & Events. Following this post, a rabbi contacted us and asked the following question: "What is the easiest way to record my classes and share them with my congregants?" Having an easy way to record, edit and share audio of your classes is important for both you and your
At NLE Resources, we are always on the lookout to bring you creative programming ideas that can further your cause, bring awareness to all that you do and foster goodwill within the community. And so, we want to share with you four great events that where brought to our attention from our readers. The first event we want to highlight is from the LINK Kollel. As you know, this year, Lag B'Omer fell on a Sunday. As such,