With winter officially underway, Rabbi Binyomin Zev Karman, Director of Curriculum and Professional Development at the Yeshiva of South Shore, has recently completed and released a new set of pertinent Mashiv Haruach booklets on chinuch.org. All of Rabbi Karman’s booklets (see the links below) are based on the psak of
Our Chol Hamoed Sukkos was shaken this year when Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin HY"D were brutally murdered and their young children were left as orphans. Since this gruesome act of terror, stabbings and car-ramming attacks have occurred throughout Eretz Yisrael. What's more, these actions have even spread to the United States.
I would like to introduce the readers of NLEResources.com to Tefilla-Toons, an exciting new tefilla curriculum. Tefilla-Toons is a series of cartoon animations that teach each of the birchos hashachar and basic foundations of emunah, such as: how Hashem loves each and every one of us, our Torah learning is important to Hashem and many more.
Often, it is hard to find or "get" a minyan when traveling, on campus or while out at social events. The Minyan Now iOS app and Minyan Now Android app allow Jewish people to create a minyan of 10 males over the age of Bar Mitzvah. This app solves the above mentioned problem by pinging and notifying Jewish males in the immediate area that you or a fellow friend is in need of a minyan. The app then facilitates the process
We are living in an era when the boundaries of Orthodoxy are being tested at the edges, particularly regarding the old distinctions between male and female. Our broader society tells us that male-female distinctions are discriminatory and we, the Orthodox, have become increasingly uncomfortable with the positions and traditions of our own religion. Many of us have come to believe that what we received as a Mesorah on these issues represents
The Ramchal[1] states that an overview of a subject can only be acquired over a period of time. It is only when all the parts of a picture have been put together, with sufficient depth of understanding
Thousands of Jewish students travel to Israel on many programs. In 2009, the Israel Shabbat Experience began working with various tour operators bringing large numbers of students and young adults to enhance participants’ appreciation of Shabbat. An important part of the