Why did G-d command Noach to build the Teiva? At first glance, this is certainly a trick question. The Chumash itself informs us of the obvious answer that the Teiva will save Noach, his immediately family, animals and birds from the
Throughout world history, the Jewish people have endured severe ongoing hate, persecution, exile, violence and genocide. Although in recent decades American Jews have not experienced much anti-Semitism, anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. increased more than one-third in 2016 reflected by assaults, vandalism, and
The issue of abortion is a charged topic, both hotly and widely debated across the globe. It is an issue that touches on the core values of religion and civil society. On the one hand is the issue of the sanctity of life and the concern for the right to life of the yet unborn.
In Parshas Beshalach, God frees the Jewish people from Egypt, and they travel towards the Yam Suf, the Sea of Reeds. The Torah [Shemos 13:18] describes the Jews as leaving Egypt “Chamushim.” What does this Hebrew term represent and what deeper ideas are hidden within
Rabbi Yehoshua Pffefer writes, “In Parashas Vayeishev we begin to learn about the importance of dreams. Yaakov Avinu, the Torah informs us, “kept the matter” of Yosef’s prophetic dreams, anticipating their future fulfillment. Ultimately, the dreams were realized when Yaakov and his sons were brought before Yosef, the
In Parshas Shemos, God chooses Moshe Rabbeinu to become the leader of Klal Yisroel. The importance of leadership in government, business, and every facet of society cannot be overstated. The shelves of our bookstores
In Parshas Va’eira, God sends Moshe and Aaron to warn Pharaoh in advance of each of the first seven plagues to free Bnei Yisroel from Mitzraim. Since Pharaoh refused to send out the Jewish people after each of the first five plagues, God then withdrew Pharaoh’s free will and sent the
One can often hear a rebbe, educator or mekarev ask, “Does anyone in the chaburah have a written summary of every Parsha in the Torah, or know where I can access something like this?” As a busy rabbi and educator, it can be difficult to find time to read over the parsha and come up with your own organized