Why did G-d command Noach to build the Teiva? At first glance, this is certainly a trick question. The Chumash itself informs us of the obvious answer that the Teiva will save Noach, his immediately family, animals and birds from the
In Parshas Beshalach, God frees the Jewish people from Egypt, and they travel towards the Yam Suf, the Sea of Reeds. The Torah [Shemos 13:18] describes the Jews as leaving Egypt “Chamushim.” What does this Hebrew term represent and what deeper ideas are hidden within
It was in the first month of the second year on the first of the month that the Mishkan was erected. (Shemos 40:17) The concept of sacrificial offerings may conjure up images of ancient, primitive cultures. Yet, when we read the Torah, the timeless guide for life, we are struck with the predominant emphasis it... Read more »
In Parshas Shemos, God chooses Moshe Rabbeinu to become the leader of Klal Yisroel. The importance of leadership in government, business, and every facet of society cannot be overstated. The shelves of our bookstores
In Parshas Va’eira, God sends Moshe and Aaron to warn Pharaoh in advance of each of the first seven plagues to free Bnei Yisroel from Mitzraim. Since Pharaoh refused to send out the Jewish people after each of the first five plagues, God then withdrew Pharaoh’s free will and sent the
Everyone is curious and interested to know about the nature of the afterlife and if it even exists at all. If people were sure that there is life after their existence in this world, then many individuals would behave quite differently. And if it could be proved that there is absolutely no existence beyond this world, then many
This year in chutz l’aretz, parshas Bamidbar is read on the Shabbos immediately prior to Shavuos. Is there a thematic connection between the two? Rabbi Yissocher Frand cites such an association from insights from the
Until recently, Torah resources for the hard of hearing have been hard to come by. But that’s all about to change. Torah Live has partnered with Torah Captions to add closed captions to its videos. Courses such as Anger, Chanukah, Speech (The Lost Light), and Sefer Torah are now available with closed captions. (80% of the
Gemara Academy is a program that is meant to be used by teachers and/or students for teaching and learning gemara. Gemara Academy utilizes technology to visually engage students with flowcharts, animations, and quizzes that transform the classroom. Instead of competing for a student’s attention, Gemara Academy takes advantage of technology to bring the gemara text to life.
One can often hear a rebbe, educator or mekarev ask, “Does anyone in the chaburah have a written summary of every Parsha in the Torah, or know where I can access something like this?” As a busy rabbi and educator, it can be difficult to find time to read over the parsha and come up with your own organized