The English Department of The Halacha Education Center, directed by HaRav Yosef Zvi Rimon, produces theFrom the Source with Spirit series of educational materials. When completed, the series will feature a comprehensive range of curricula in halacha, offering a depth of understanding through an educational approach that is inspiring
BeSiyyata DiShmaya, with the start of Sefer Bereshit, I would like to invite you to become one of the initial users of's new online, customizable, Mikraot Gedolot, now available at: This exciting Mikraot Gedolot
Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum is a noted educator and Menahel of the Toronto-based, Tiferes Bais Yaakov Toronto. Last year, he published a popular pamphlet to help teens of all ages find Vidui more relatable and meaningful. This year, Rabbi Feigenbaum has published a
The hallmark of an inquisitive Jew is his or her questions. Few educators have encountered such an enormous range of questions from newcomers to Judaism as Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff, Educational Director of the Jewish Enrichment Center in New York City. In this capacity, Rabbi Hajioff teaches and fields questions from streams of young Jewish men and women every year, most of whom have recently returned from the Birthright Israel experience.
A few years ago I was learning with a former student of mine who was living in New York. He had been in my shiur while in Yeshiva in Israel and we made up to learn by phone at least once a week to keep the connection and to make sure he had some learning in his week. One night he bemoaned that he wished he had more learning in his life. The problem was that he didn't really have the time or energy to learn because he got up early to go work and
In the past, we have written all about infographics (see here and here for example) and have even amassed a large collection of Jewish infographics (here and here)! Nowadays, it seems that everywhere you turn there’s an infographic presenting information to the masses. People love infographics because they easily convey
As an educator, I am always looking for texts that my students can learn independently, glean relevant themes and feel a sense of accomplishment. The same goes for teaching a shiur – I want to teach a class that is interesting, relevant and based on compelling classical texts. The Chumash is the natural place to go, but students may find the parsha overly familiar territory. What have recently grown in popularity are shiurim and the online
What Are They Really Thinking? Effective Tools to Elicit Constructive Feedback. Feedback is often called the Breakfast of Champions. It gives us key insight into the work that we are doing and guides us on how best to plan for the future. Now, as summer approaches, school and organizational leaders have a great opportunity to collect feedback from core constituents and
Online giving brings in donations from a range of people from young Millenials to aging Baby Boomers, and analysts predict that it will continue to grow. Not all nonprofits are "jumping for joy" at this news. After all, both businesses and nonprofits see funds diminished because online credit card processing services such as PayPal or Square (see our earlier post on
Rabbis and educators turn to for useful educational resources and materials such as the NLE Morasha Syllabus,Online Resources, PR Samples and the NLE Thinking Gemara Series. Moreover, directors and administrators of synagogues, schools, yeshivot, and outreach centers read our featured articles and blogs seeking the latest ideas and tools to strengthen their marketing, administration and fundraising.