Rabbis and educators turn to NLEResources.com for useful educational resources and materials such as the NLE Morasha Syllabus,Online Resources, PR Samples and the NLE Thinking Gemara Series. Moreover, directors and administrators of synagogues, schools, yeshivot, and outreach centers read our featured articles and blogs seeking the latest ideas and tools to strengthen their marketing, administration and fundraising.
Over the past several months, we have featured posts that highlight where you can get great looking free stock photos to enhance your flyers and brochures. See here for our latest post. Likewise, we have also featured useful design tools such as Canva and Smore. Recently, we received an inquiry asking if we could
How many times does it happen that someone sends you an inspiring YouTube video? But, you are hesitant to view the link because you are being referred to a site that has both inspiring and inappropriate videos. Another common frustration that people run into is that while they can check
A number of days ago, Google released YouTube Rewind 2013. The YouTube Rewind feature is something that the company has offered for several years now and is a playlist of the most popular trending, searched, and viewed videos of the year. At first glance, this feature will not help a rabbi or school—nor any sort of nonprofit organization!
From shuls to schools, a slew of Jewish organizations use YouTube to promote learning opportunities, programs, and much more! Would you like to add some branding by adding the logo of your institution to your YouTube video(s)/channel(s)? For years, if one wanted to add a logo to their video, this meant using video editing software before uploading to... Read more »