Throughout world history, the Jewish people have endured severe ongoing hate, persecution, exile, violence and genocide. Although in recent decades American Jews have not experienced much anti-Semitism, anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. increased more than one-third in 2016 reflected by assaults, vandalism, and
In Parshas Beshalach, God frees the Jewish people from Egypt, and they travel towards the Yam Suf, the Sea of Reeds. The Torah [Shemos 13:18] describes the Jews as leaving Egypt “Chamushim.” What does this Hebrew term represent and what deeper ideas are hidden within
In one of the most emotive reactions to a presidential election on record, a spontaneous grass-roots movement swelled into marches by millions of demonstrators worldwide following President Trump’s inauguration. What
For many of us, listening to music is a transforming, empowering, spiritually uplifting experience. Something about Pachelbel’s Cannon in D major, whether heard in a live orchestral performance
Immediately following Matan Torah, Moshe Rebeinu teaches the Mishpatim, the social ordinances which comprise the bedrock of Jewish society. Why is it appropriate to introduce Talmud study to newcomers to Judaism especially in Parshas Mishpatim?
The Concept and Practice of Brachos In Parshas Vayechi, Yaakov Avinu bestows Brachos upon each of the Shvatim. Brachos trigger heavenly benevolence to descend upon the world, thereby sustaining all of creation. The NLE Morasha shiur on The Concept and Practice of Brachos addresses the following questions:
In my capacities as an executive coach and a professional development provider, I regularly prepare presentations for live and web audiences. Whether the focus is on content or sales, I know the importance of a strong presentation in delivering value to clients and promoting my business. We have all attended great presentations that left us... Read more »
At NLE Resources, we field inquiries from rabbis, educators, and nonprofit professionals asking us all sorts of questions. One particular question that we have been asked on more than one occasion is, “I'm looking for a way to livestream my shiurim and events. I'm not a 'tech-geek' and I am looking for an easy and simple way to
During the Holocaust, the Bielsky Brothers, Tuvia, Zus (Zush), Asael, and Aron Bielsky led a unique partisan brigade in the forests of Belorussia. Rather than focus on killing Nazis and Nazi collaborators like other partisan groups did, the Bielskys focused their energies on saving as many Jews as possible. Living hidden in the forests and... Read more »
In early 2013, we highlighted a new site called: Sefaria. You can read that original blogpost here. Since our post went live, we continue to get great feedback from our readership telling us how much they enjoy using the site. Recently, Sefaria announced that their database