Many think that religion is confined to the realm of other-worldly matters. Yet, Judaism rejects this sharp division between secular and religious spheres, and urges us to sanctify the mundane. The ordinary elements of
This year in chutz l’aretz, parshas Bamidbar is read on the Shabbos immediately prior to Shavuos. Is there a thematic connection between the two? Rabbi Yissocher Frand cites such an association from insights from the
As a rabbi and educator, I’m sure that you’d be interested in my ebook that I recently wrote called: Evidence of the Divine Origin of the Torah. I am offering it as a free ebook to all of the readership! This work contains a number of pieces of evidence (not proof) of the divine origin of the Torah.
Until recently, Torah resources for the hard of hearing have been hard to come by. But that’s all about to change. Torah Live has partnered with Torah Captions to add closed captions to its videos. Courses such as Anger, Chanukah, Speech (The Lost Light), and Sefer Torah are now available with closed captions. (80% of the
One can often hear a rebbe, educator or mekarev ask, “Does anyone in the chaburah have a written summary of every Parsha in the Torah, or know where I can access something like this?” As a busy rabbi and educator, it can be difficult to find time to read over the parsha and come up with your own organized
Once upon a time there was a prince who was living with his family in a beautiful palace. Unfortunately, after a while, the prince and his extended family began to fight amongst themselves. They called each other names and attempted to discredit each other and eventually there was baseless hatred between them. The
We will shortly begin the Parshios of the Mishkan. This year, we have the unprecedented opportunity to bring the Mishkan to life, thanks to a stunning model build by Rabbi Hallel Newman. The model is at the scale of 1 inch for every amah, and took over a year to produce. Every component, from the Bazichin of
In an enigma of world history, Orthodox Jews are immediate family and advisors to the world’s most powerful leader. Politics aside, Mr. and Mrs. Yoel Chaim (Jared) Kushner, are de facto believers in a Divine Torah. This
Informal learning at summer camp is an opportunity to instill love of Torah in an exciting and interactive way. To that end, Torah Live has created a summer camp guide full of ideas on programs which can be implemented in camp using resources which are readily available.
Want to end the school year with a bang? Excite your students with multimedia educational materials, including high quality videos showcasing the beauty and meaning of the mitzvos. Here's your