One can often hear a rebbe, educator or mekarev ask, “Does anyone in the chaburah have a written summary of every Parsha in the Torah, or know where I can access something like this?”
As a busy rabbi and educator, it can be difficult to find time to read over the parsha and come up with your own organized review and summary of the weekly Torah portion. Invariably, you may have students and congregants who are looking to expand their Torah knowledge and learn the weekly Torah portion.
To that end, and as we have begun Chumash Bereishis, we want to share with you a great free resource provided by Rabbi Binyamin Plotzker, a rebbe at Yeshiva Darchei Noam in Monsey, NY. Rabbi Plotzker previously taught in Gateshead, England and Yeshivas Toras Moshe in Yerushalayim.
Rabbi Plotzker has summarized each Parsha in a simple bullet point format. No parsha summary is more than two pages; he also provides a ten question multiple-choice test to take yourself or offer your students or congregants who are looking to learn more, review or connect with the weekly Parsha on a more consistent basis.
Rabbi Plotzker was featured in Yated Neeman where Rabbi Yehuda Boruch Kamenetzky observed: “Rabbi Plotzker is a strong believer in utilizing technology to enhance chinuch materials and create interactive items which will be palatable to today’s youth. Rabbi Plotzker remains an ardent contributor to chinuch.org. With close to 40,000 downloads of his materials worldwide, imagine the impact a rebbe can have on talmidim far beyond his own classroom.”