The Concept and Practice of Brachos In Parshas Vayechi, Yaakov Avinu bestows Brachos upon each of the Shvatim. Brachos trigger heavenly benevolence to descend upon the world, thereby sustaining all of creation. The NLE Morasha shiur on The Concept and Practice of Brachos addresses the following questions:
Designing a rich educational curriculum and writing an engaging Dvar Torah are skills that many rabbis and educators have mastered. However, if your new lecture series does not feature a compelling title, chances are that no one's going to respond to the flyer, let alone read the email to learn more about the program. Here’s the good news: There’s no mysticism or magic behind catchy names.
I have recently put together a multimedia curriculum that explains how the Torah is a system of values that seeks to help perfect our character (midos) and thus collectively perfect and improve the entire world. It explains (based on the approach of Rav S. R. Hirsch) how all of the mitzvos in the Torah can be
In early 2013, we highlighted a new site called: Sefaria. You can read that original blogpost here. Since our post went live, we continue to get great feedback from our readership telling us how much they enjoy using the site. Recently, Sefaria announced that their database
Google Plus Hangouts on Air or HOA's, are online videos that are broadcast live in HD to a Google+ page, your organization’s YouTube channel and website at the same time. Best of all, HOA's are recorded and automatically saved on your YouTube channel so that your subscribers can watch without any additional effort on your part. You can also convert your HOA into a podcast by following the steps found here. (Read our earlier post about rabbis and podcasts here.)