Founded by Rabbi Hillel & Neima Novetsky and their children, Yonatan, Aviva, Ariella and Yehuda, is a one-stop Tanach study resource, providing the tools, techniques, and technology to make Tanach come alive in your home, at a Shabbos table, in your classroom or even in a drasha! It is a truly an incredible tool that makes... Read more »
As we enter Parshas Teruma, you may be looking for a way to have people better appreciate the Mishkan. We’ve got an excellent visual aid. You can now build your own Mishkan! This model is ideal for a classroom demonstration; it can be used as a way to bring the tabernacle and the concepts that surround... Read more »
Sefaria is a new website that is completely free! This interactive resource is one that Rabbi Aaron Ross described here as, "trying to collect as many traditional Jewish sources as possible and link them all together.
We know how challenging, and yet exciting, it is to strive to present Orthodox Judaism as relevant, cool, and enlightening. We'd be remiss to not pass on to rabbis and Jewish educators an initiative is a unique website that aims to help Jews of all levels come to a greater understanding and appreciation of the Torah. With over 2,500 short vorts from hundreds of authors on all different topics,
If you work with teens, young adults, and sometimes even their parents—it seems more and more difficult to speak to your student over the phone. Instead, one hears people simply saying, "just text me."