For millions of people worldwide, the act of taking selfies has become an integral part of the social media experience. Selfies are internationally pervasive and evoke strong reactions from those who encounter them. In a hysterical clip about selfies, comedian Sebastian Maniscalco hits hard on selfie takers. In his words, the act of taking a selfie should
Rabbinic coaching is something of a newer phenomenon for rabbis. The professional and personal sides of a rabbi’s life are not always predictable. As a leader with significant responsibilities, situations can arise that demand attention either immediately or in the
What Are They Really Thinking? Effective Tools to Elicit Constructive Feedback. Feedback is often called the Breakfast of Champions. It gives us key insight into the work that we are doing and guides us on how best to plan for the future. Now, as summer approaches, school and organizational leaders have a great opportunity to collect feedback from core constituents and