Chazal teach us that when we hear the shofar, we are supposed to focus on crowning Hashem as our King, and committing ourselves to revealing His kingship in this world. Thankfully, the fine folks over at have designed a printable poster and bookmark which can be used by both the scholar
What a summer! Violent protests in Charlottesville and now the terrorism in Barcelona is being displayed across televesion screens and mobile devices around the world. Do these violent scenes contribute to the very real terror the world is experiencing? Indeed, in 2016,
On Monday, August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will be visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States; it will only be visible in other countries as a partial eclipse. Some Jews will be joining a kosher tour to the Path of Totality in St. Joseph, Missouri. You
Staff from Albert McMahon Elementary School in Mission, British Columbia, Canada sent a letter to its students’ parents, indicating the cancellation of events related to Mother’s and Father’s Day. The letter reads: As Mother’s Day and Father’s Day approach we have met as a Primary (Grade 1 and 2) team to
Is it possible to process meat that is technically kosher meat if schechted properly, but be prohibited for other reasons? This question is discussed by Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz regarding veal in a class, Is Veal Kosher. Veal is produced from a baby cow that has very tender meat. The reason the meat is so tender is not only
The Chevron Hagaddah points out that the slavery in Egypt was not only physical, it was also spiritual. How so? Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky (Emes L’Yaakov, Shemos 5:9) based on the Medresh (Shemos Rabba 5:18) that Moshe Rebeinu was able to secure from Pharaoh a weekly day of rest from the hard labor for Bnei
The Gemara Academy is both a method and tool for learning and teaching Gemara. The Gemara Academy Method combines a focus on the understanding of the bigger picture and flow of the Gemara as well as a focus on understanding and being able to learn the Gemara text. Gemara Academy was previously
It was in the first month of the second year on the first of the month that the Mishkan was erected. (Shemos 40:17) As we culminate the construction of the Mishkan in this week’s Parshas Vayakhel / Pekudei, and launch into Sefer Vayikra next week, we are again challenged by a methodology to teach beginners... Read more »
As the Kuzari explains, Judaism introduced the world to the universally accepted seven-day week. The culmination of the week for the Jewish people is the Sabbath – a day of rest, connection to God, and rejuvenation. Subsequently, other religions adopted the Shabbat principle by taking a weekly day off from
I’m a rabbi and a voice teacher and am troubled by many rabbis and Jewish leaders telling me about their challenges of maintaining a strong, healthy voice. Many rabbis and educators suffer hoarseness or voice loss, even to the extent of requiring surgery. They want to learn how to project a powerful voice to their students and kehiilos without straining or hurting