The Jewish Calendar and Zemanim are critical components when it comes to living a full Jewish lifestyle. These links will help you determine when a Yom Tov is falling out or when ones Bar Mitzvah will occur. Plus, we provide a link to allow you to easily purchase the famous Ezras Torah Calendar. Enjoy!
Websites and Online Tools
Online Jewish Calendar
by Kaluach
Jewish Holiday Calendar
The 3 year Jewish Holiday Calendar below is copyrighted by Jacob Richman. You have permission to download and/or print it, as long as you do not alter it.
Online Jewish Calendar
Courtesy of Bible II. Great site to quickly determines ones Hebrew birthday or Bar Mtizvah
Ezras Torah Calendar
Direct link to order the Ezras Torah Calendar
My Zmanim
Type in your zip code and find the time for Davening, earliest Tallis/Tefillin, know when Plag Mincha is for Early Shabbos and more.
Articles of Interest
Figuring out Zemanim in the air with Chai Air Tables
An article by Rabbi Tzvi Pittinsky that explains how to use Chaim Tables for in-flight Zemanim
Using Secular Dates
A great article by Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz that explores the use of secular dates