I love the Western Wall. It is a kaleidoscope of the entire Jewish people. One can go there for Mincha and have, as a part of the minyan, an Israeli soldier, a Sephardic Jew from South America, someone from Mea Shearim, a few French or American tourists … a geography that reflects its history. The... Read more »
The Jewish HERoes Film Competition encourages people to create short videos that highlight the contributions of Jewish women. The piece can be personal, historical, or even feature a Jewish woman who shows promise to become an inspirational HERo of the next generation! Cash prizes and screening of the winning film will take place on Monday, March 11,... Read more »
Comparable to the threat that intermarriage has on American Jewry is the dramatically declining birth rate. The majority of Jewish women aged 30 to 35, as well as the overwhelming majority of younger women, has no children. The low birth rate, which has been ongoing for the past 20 years, is insufficient to produce a succeeding generation for today's adults.
Recently, a rabbi contacted us through our website asking for links to sites that can aid him in putting together a Bar and Bat Mitzvah program. Overall, we looked to highlight programs that would instill a love for Jewish learning and the desire to continue moving in a positive direction. Below, we share with you a... Read more »