Pesach is now less than thirty days away! For shuls and outreach centers, Pesach is among the most celebrated Jewish holidays on the Jewish calendar. After all, Passover is the most celebrated Jewish holiday, and by extension, becomes a perfect time to draw in young professionals and families. And so, while you may be busy cleaning, shopping, cooking,... Read more »
We aim to help your Jewish nonprofit organizations keep up with the latest trends and methods used to help bring in additional funds and donations. It’s for that reason that we have written posts such as All You Need to Know About Google Grants for Nonprofits and Why Your Organization
Relationships have been changed forever. Technology has had a profound impact on relationships between friends, family and spouses. It has allowed for ease and frequency of communication between people physically apart and has introduced people who would otherwise never have met, creating marriages, friendships and invaluable support groups and relationships.
It just never stops. How many times while writing this article will I be interrupted by a text, a call or an email? How many times will you be similarly interrupted while reading it? All hours of day and night we hear the pings and feel the vibrations, and we either respond immediately, or our tension and dread mount as we realize that
The greatest challenge in education today is keeping students focused and engaged. Torah Live has a simple solution to this problem. Its website features exciting multimedia curriculums that will capture your students’ attention and spark their imagination! Torah
Recently, Pew Research released a report about social media usage. Take a look at the chart below showing combinations of social networks that people use: It's clear that Facebook is by far the most popular social network. Why? Facebook touches half of the Internet-connected human race. There are millions of Facebook users who have not yet
Where was Hashem?! How did He let it happen?! Am I supposed to believe that Hashem is merciful and kind?! I want to believe and trust in Hashem, but I am so confused? Having, Baruch Hashem, been involved in Jewish Education for many years, questions from students regarding emunah and bitachon are not new to me. Nevertheless, with the recent terrible tragedies in Eretz
I first fell in love with Gemara Berura a dozen years ago. I had just finished my most ambitious project-based learning assignment I had ever attempted with my 9th grade class. We designed a “How To Learn Gemara” website. In this project, my students culminated a year of a careful skills-based approach to learning Gemara by summarizing the various Sugiyot they had learned complete with keywords and color coding. They
One of the key presentations at last year's President’s Conference in Israel focused on how videos are becoming the new web content. The panel emphasized that with so much information on the web, most people, including myself, skim articles rather than read them – which is probably what you're doing now. That means that a lot of people will miss the important points, while focusing on the "kleinekeit."
Google Plus Hangouts on Air or HOA's, are online videos that are broadcast live in HD to a Google+ page, your organization’s YouTube channel and website at the same time. Best of all, HOA's are recorded and automatically saved on your YouTube channel so that your subscribers can watch without any additional effort on your part. You can also convert your HOA into a podcast by following the steps found here. (Read our earlier post about rabbis and podcasts here.)