Relationships have been changed forever. Technology has had a profound impact on relationships between friends, family and spouses. It has allowed for ease and frequency of communication between people physically apart and has introduced people who would otherwise never have met, creating marriages, friendships and invaluable support groups and relationships.
It just never stops. How many times while writing this article will I be interrupted by a text, a call or an email? How many times will you be similarly interrupted while reading it? All hours of day and night we hear the pings and feel the vibrations, and we either respond immediately, or our tension and dread mount as we realize that
We live in a very public world. This is in large part thanks to the proliferation of blogs and media outlets as well as our own ability to share news, personal thoughts and updates instantly whenever our heart desires. While much of this information is of the same basic variety as news that was commonplace in the days of Web 1.0 or earlier, many of the
Today there are people who suffer from  Internet Use Disorder (IUD). This new condition is another example of how one can easily become dependent on the internet. While you aren’t suffering from this disorder, you may wonder how you can answer emails, research something using the free Bar Ilan Response Project available on, or sit at... Read more »