OlamiResources.com is excited to share a new engaging workshop integrating a seventeen-minute trigger film from the Hollywood classic film 2001: A Space Odyssey. The workshop capitalizes on 2001’s mass international appeal – it has been called “one of the most influential of all sci-fi films.” The workshop is inspired by the book, The 2001 Principle, by Rabbi Mordechai Geduld, and edited by Rabbi Gershon Robinson, which addresses key elements of the movie from a Jewish perspective.

The goal of the workshop is to tap into the global fascination that the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey touches in our modern human consciousness. The workshop was developed following the release of a new 70 mm version on the film’s fiftieth anniversary, combined with the mysterious appearance of 2001-like monoliths in the USA and UK. The workshop’s appeal is its ability to cast a wide net by both attracting new participants and strengthening the existing Jewish community.

Strategically, the workshop leverages the film’s presentation to the modern mind of a “safe” way to acknowledge the intuition of Design Theory as rational proof that there could actually be a Creator of our universe. Rather than attempt to prove G-d’s existence, the goal of the seminar is to help participants overcome man’s ingrained resistance to consider G-d’s existence. To do so, the workshop applies the Kahn Academy model on cognitive dissonance and Emory University’s research on “The Political Brain.”

Download the following components to present the workshop, including advertising and follow-up materials:

(Personalized text for the Digital Ad – sponsoring organization, workshop date, time, location, reservation and contact information etc. – and Digital Postcard follow-up events, should be added as captions in Instagram and Facebook since both platforms favor graphics without text.)

To present this workshop you will need:

  1. Laptop or computer
  2. Microsoft PowerPoint Software
  3. A large monitor
  4. Sound system
  5. Fast internet connection to show 17 minute trigger 2001 film in Vimeo
  6. Refreshments (recommended!)

Please contact us with any questions.

Hatzlacha raba!

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