Organizations are always looking for a great gift idea for a donor. I have used Shutterfly.com several times and it has been met with great success!
I have been learning with Mr. _______ for several years and with my encouragement, we made a siyum on the Chumash. He was skeptical that anyone would want to come, but he invited friends and family and it was a great event. I took pictures of the occasion and then surprised him around a week later with a Shutterfly.com produced album of the event. I also secretly asked participants to submit a line or two of mazal tov wishes. I finalized the gift by adding some quotes about the greatness of the Torah. The effort cost about $40 and took 5-10 hours (between myself and my secretary). Not only did it please him as a donor, it uplifted him as a Jew learning Torah!
Second example: I teach a weekly Chumash class sponsored by a single donor. She occasionally attends herself, but is not always able to make it to the class. We recently made a siyum on Sefer Bereishis and again, we took photos of participants, got each one to contribute a statement of appreciation to her (including one from her husband too), and surprised her with the album on Channuka. She was floored and very much moved by the gesture.
You could do this with any event. Get your young adults on the Israel trip to give you a line of appreciation, get their mug shots, then assemble a Shutterfly album for your primary donors. They will proudly show it to their friends and family.
If you’d like to see how our album looks, let me know, I’ll send you a link. You can contact me through my website here.