What can make you 4x the $$$ in the same amount of time… and saves you from repeating the same info 1,000x to 1,000 customers or students, and scales your business FOR you?

We’re talking about an ONLINE COURSE.

Online courses have been spreading like wildfire, and are predicted to keep skyrocketing over the coming years. You may have noticed how individuals and businesses have been adding digital courses to their business model.

People love digital courses because:

  • They are easily scalable, in massive ways. They grow your business for you by introducing new people to your business.
  • They can be launched repeatedly with the groundwork already in place.
  • You can reach an audience far and wide. You aren’t limited to your city, country or even continent.
  • You can teach multiple students at once. One hour that would otherwise be spent instructing 1:1 can be optimized instead to educate a group of 10 or 50, or more.
  • Courses are a great primary or secondary source of income. Many course creators choose to add them to their existing business as an additional income stream that complements their work.
  • Courses can eventually be put on evergreen, which is digital-course language for “autopilot.” Once in evergreen, the course can practically sell itself, giving you more time to focus on other things.
  • Anyone can create and launch a course, and you can do it from anywhere in the world.
  • It fits well into almost any industry. There is no limit to the topics you can teach via an online course. Illustration, graphic design, parenting, reading, languages, photography, cooking, Torah or hashkafa classes, copywriting, marketing, and business… Courses can be for children, teens, parents, teachers, authors, and business owners… There is no end.

It’s no wonder the course creation industry has seen incredible success. Covid-19 only gives course creators the opportunity to be even more successful, because now their audience is staying home and has time to take more courses.

If you haven’t yet thought about creating your own course, consider it now.

THIS is the time to create a course in the frum world. The explosion of courses is just beginning!

Mrs. Shalva Rosenberg is an Online Course Consultant guiding course creators through every step of planning successful, profitable, and strategic launches for their online courses. Want to learn more? Download my incredibly clear step-by-step course creation guide at: guide.shalvarosenberg.com

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