Morasha Class
Class with Source Sheets
- Underlying Values and Concepts of Yom Kippur by Rabbi Dr. Nachum Amsel
Programing Ideas
- Paid in Full by Rabbi Goel Elkarif
- Forgiving by Sarah Yocheved Rigler
- I’m Sorry, I’m Not Sorry: How Not to Apologize Before the High Holidays – Ideas for Teens by Dovid Bashevkin
- Tips for Your Pre- and Post-Yom Kippur Fast by Alan Freishtat
- In Remembrance of Our Loved Ones by Rabbi Moshe Zywica
- essays and Insights into Yom Kippur Including sections of Yom Kippur Survival Guide by Rabbi Shimon Apisdorf
- Yom Kippur – A Guide to Teshuva by Rabbi Avraham Edelstein
- Yom Kippur The Short and Long Viduy – Expanded List by Rabbi Avraham Edelstein
- A High Holiday Guide by Rabbi Yochanan Schnall
- Thirteen Middos HaRachamim by Rabbi Dovid Cohen
- Kneeling on the Floor by Halachically Speaking
- The Missing Laimor of Yom Kippur by R.Z. Rudman
- Women Wearing White on Yom Kippur by Divrei Chaim Blog
- Olam Haba and Gehinnom – Avodah of Yomim Noraim by Rabbi Tzvi Moshe Schultz
- High Ideals, Murder and Me: What It Means to be Good by Sara Yoheved Rigler
- Thoughts About Prayer Before Yom Kippur by Rabbi Yissocher Frand
- NCSY Infographic: Yom Kippur: Transform Yourself. Transform Your Year
- Yom Kippur Infographic, by
- NCSY Education – Text-based sessions, articles, activities, and more
- Machzor Yom Kippur (Nusach Ashkenaz), by Sefaria
- Machzor Yom Kippur (Nusach Sefard), by Sefaria
- YK Machzor – Shmone Esrei – Companion for Teens
- YK Machzor – Chazaras HaSha”tz/Selichos – Companion for Teens
- Viduy in English for Girls – revised 5775
- Viduy in English for Boys
- The Lema’an Achai Yom Kippur Checklist
- Viduy for Women in English & Hebrew by Rabbi Menachem Nissel
- Rosh HaShana & Yom Kippur Davening in Zipped files – Separated into individual pieces (different recording).
Audio Shiurim
- See the list of Audio Shiurim
- Divrei Torah for the Yamim Noraim from Ner Yisroel Rabbinical College
- The Side Door by Rabbi Yoel Gold
- The Five Prayers of Yom Kippur and How to Get Them Answered by Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff
- How Not Eating or Wearing Shoes Helps You Become an Angel on Yom Kippur by Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff
- Start HERE! by Rabbi Yaakov Hillel
- Uproot the Nail by Rabbi Tzvi Sytner
- Yom Kippur: We Can Change by Rabbi Nechemia Coopersmith
- Landlord: A Yom Kippur Video
- Yom Kippur: Coming Clean, a Charlie Harary Video
- Aishaudio
- Lehavin – Shiurim of HaRav Moshe Shapira zt”l (Hebrew)
- TorahAnytime
- TorahDownloads
- Yamim Noraim Resources from
Children’s Activities
- Free Torah Tots Coloring Pages Black and white coloring pages with Yom Kippur scenes are available to download and print.