This page offers links to a multitude of websites, online tools and more that will allow you or your student to walk away with a slew of information on all things Sefiras HaOmer related.
2 FREE NLE Morasha Syllabus Classes
- Sefirat Ha’Omer I: Making it Count
- Sefirat Ha’Omer II: Lag B’Omer and Striving for Spiritual Perfection
- Sefirat Haomer Chart Laminte the chart and use year after year!
- Sefiras HaOmer Review Sheets and Assessments, by Rabbi Gedalia Goldstein
- Sefira 101, by Rabbi Yochanan Schnall
- Countin’ to the Mountain
Sefirat HaOmer: a poem for each night - מיתת תלמידי רבי עקיבא & ימי הספירה–הכנה לקבלת התורה
By Rabbi Yitzchak Ruderman - Count Today’s Omer
The Nusach of the Sefira in English, Hebrew & Phonetics - Sefira Bumper Sticker
Sefira Bumper Sticker, How many days to the Omer? - Transliterated Version of Sefirat HaOmer, by
- Basic Laws of Sefiras HaOmer, by
- Colored Eggs for Sefiras HaOmer?, by Ohr Somayach
- Tweeting the Sefirat HaOmer, by Tech Rav
- Iyar – Month Of Refuah – Segulas For Refuah & Sefiras HaOmer
- Meditation & Sefiras HaOmer, by a Simple Jew
- Sefer HaMinhagim The Period of Sefiras HaOmer and Lag BaOmer
- Customs During Sefira Part 1, Halachically Speaking
- Counting the Omer by Rabbi Akiva Tatz
- The Deeper Meaning of Counting the Omer by Rabbi Akiva Tatz
- Time Awareness & Personal Growth, One Step at a Time – Sefiras Ha’Omer by Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
- Counting Omer & Accepting Torah by Rabbi Chaim Brovender
- Increasing Kedusha in a World Gone Dark by Mrs. Michal Horowitz
- You’re Free From Pesach! Now What? by Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff
- Counting the Omer by Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky
- Mitzvas Sefiras HaOmer, by Rabbi Yonason Sack
- Daily Omer Meditation: A practical guide to becoming great in 49 days, by Rabbi Simon Jacobson
- Who Knows 50?, by Osher Chaim Levene, with Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman
- Prisms of Light – Reflections of Shattered Glass by Rabbi Naftali Reich
- Worse Than Lack of Mutual Respect by Rabbi Yissocher Frand
- Sefiras Haomer by Rabbi Heshy Grossman
- Sefiras HaOmer and Rabbi Akiva’s Students: Torah and Love by Yehudah Prero
- Making Time Count: The Message of Counting the Omer by Rabbi Binyomin Weisz
- The Omer: What it Was and Why We Count It by Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff
- The Best of Times, The Worst of Times by Rabbi Mordechai Becher
- Connecting Pesach & Shavuot by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
- Sefirat HaOmer: Hashem is Your Friend by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
- Counting & Rising to Greatness by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
- The Life of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai: Teaching Us to Delve Beneath the Surface by Rabbi Eytan Feiner
- The Importance of Sefirat HaOmer by Rabbi Eytan Feiner
- Sefirat HaOmer: The Students of Rabbi Akiva by Rabbi Gavriel Friedman
- How Sefirat HaOmer Can Change Your Life by Mr. Charlie Harary
- How Sefirat HaOmer is a Training Ground for Greatness by Mr. Charlie Harary
- Embracing Hardship: The Journey from Barley to Wheat by Rabbi Menachem Nissel
- Don’t Just Count the Days, Make the Days Count by Rabbi Paysach Krohn
- Sefirat HaOmer: Make Your Own Miracle by Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein
- Sefirat HaOmer: Respecting Each Other by Rabbi Moshe Bamberger
Classes and Discussion Guides
- Lag BaOmer Shiur by Rabbi David Sedley
- NCSY Emor Parsha Sheet: Lag Ba’Omer – Explores Lag Ba’Omer, the themes of Sefiras HaOmer, the death of Rabbi Akiva’s students, and the Torah of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.
- Lag B’Omer: Lessons in Friendship – NCSY Source sheets and discussion guide
NLE Morasha Syllabus Kabbalah Classes for Lag B’Omer
- Kabbalah – Jewish Mysticism I: What is Kabbalah and The Prerequisites for its Study
- Kabbalah – Jewish Mysticism II: Principles of Jewish Mysticism: Hishtalshelut
- Kabbalah – Jewish Mysticism III: Kabbalistic Explanations of the Torah, Mitzvot, and Reincarnation
- Lag B’Omer by Rabbi Yehuda Prero
- What Is Lag B’Omer? by Rabbi Shraga Simmons
- Lag B’Omer: Seizing Your Life’s Mission by Rabbi Benjamin Blech
- Lag B’Omer and the Big Picture by Rabbi Pinchas Winston
- Why I Was Sad on Lag B’Omer, by Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman
- What Lag B’Omer Hype Inc. Doesn’t Tell You – Lesser Known Facts and Aspects of י”ח אייר
- Gilyon Stutchin Lag B’Omer
- Shvilei Pinchas, Lag B’Omer 5773 in English & Hebrew
- The Transmission of Kabbalah: Introduction to Shomer Emunim HaKadmon, translated by Rabbi David Sedley
- A Printing Mistake and the Mysterious Origins of Rashbi’s Yahrzeit, by Eliezer Brodt
- Lag B’Omer – Sefiros by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
- Lag B’Omer – The Secret of Life and Death by Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
- Lag B’Omer – The Hod of Torah by Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
- Lag B’Omer – The History and Nature of Kabbalah by Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky
- What We Learn from Lag B’Omer by Rabbi Mordechai I. Willig
- The Importance of Torah- Lesson of ל”ג בעומר by Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky
- Doubling Down, Never Giving Up: Lag B’Omer Lessons by Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
- Responding to the Tragedy in Meron by Rav Yitzchak Berkovits
- Rebbe Shimon’s Eyes: Searching for Holiness in a World of Profanity by Rabbi Moshe Weinberger
- Lag B’Omer: So What was Rashbi Learning in the Cave all Those Years? by Rabbi Eytan Feiner
- Lag B’Omer: Matan Torah of Torat HaSod by Rabbi Dovid Miller
- Lag B’Omer and the Teachings of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai by Rabbi Ari Kahn (Accompanying source sheets on website.)
- R. Mottel Zilber on Lag Ba’Omer Pre-Lag Ba’Omer Hisorerus
- Lag B’omer – Rebbi Shimon Reveals the Brilliant Light of the Secrets of the Torah by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
- Lag B’Omer: Light Up the Night by Rabbi Moshe Bamberger
- Lag B’Omer by Rabbi Mordechai Becher
- Practical Spirituality: Lag B’Omer by Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser
- Becoming Great – Pesach Sheini and Lag B’Omer by Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair
- Lag B’Omer: Not the Fallen Ones, But the Ones Who Got Up! by Rabbi Moshe Weinberger
- Lag B’Omer: Never Give Up by Mr. Charlie Harary
- Rav Shimon’s Message: Keep Going by Rabbi Yisroel Majeski
- The Unifying Theme of Lag Ba’Omer by Rabbi Motti Neuburger
- What is our Avodah on Lag B’Omer? by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
- Lag B’Omer : Explore The Secrets Of Torah With Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai by Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum
- Rav Shimon Bar Yochai & Moshe Rabbeinu: Mortal Man CAN Reach the Heights of Spirituality by Rabbi Eytan Feiner
- Lag B’Omer: Preparing to Internalize the Torah – Bringing it All Together by Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman
Children’s Resources
- Use this slideshow to review the story of Rabbi Akiva. You can see a lesson plan to accompany the slideshow here.
- Inyanei Lag B’Omer: Booklet (English) – by Binyomin Karman (Middle & High School)
- Hilchos Lag B’Omer – Booklet (Hebrew) – by Binyomin Karman (Middle & High School)
- Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and Minhagei Lag B’Omer: Powerpoint – Chinuch.Org
- Full List of Lag B’Omer Teaching Resources – Chinuch.Org
- 15 Israeli Inspired Recipes for Lag B’Omer, by Joy of Kosher
- – Articles, Essays, and Videos on Sefiras Ha’Omer and Lag B’Omer
- – Essays and Divrei Torah on Sefiras Ha’Omer and Lag B’Omer
- Lag BaOmer | Aleph Beta
- – Sefiras HaOmer & Lag B’Omer
- – Sefiras Ha’Omer & Lag B’Omer
- – Sefiras Ha’Omer & Lag B’Omer (Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, Rabbi Aharon Lopiansky, and more)
- Rav Moshe Shapira z”l – Sefiras Ha’Omer