These additional resources that we have culled from around the web are meant to enhance the NLE Morasha Syllabus class entitled, Evidence for Torah M’Sinai II: Witnesses, Prophecy, Jewish Survival, Mitzvot, Torah Scrolls. We are certain that these resources can help you further impact your audience! If you know of any additional resources that we should add on to this page, please let us know by contacting us here.
Jewish DNA – by Rabbi Yaakov Kleinman
How the scientific study of DNA proves the miracle of Jewish survival.
What is the Secret of Jewish Survival – by Nissan Dovid Dubov
The only link which unites our dispersed and scattered people throughout its dispersion, regardless of time, is Torah and mitzvot, the Jewish way of life which has remained basically the same throughout the ages and in every place.
Parshas Behar, Not Like the Rest of Them – by Rabbi Pinchas Winston
Aside from the agricultural value of doing so, the mitzvah of Shmittah reminds us of to whom the land actually belongs. It is good for humility, and best of all, for maintaining a sense of appreciation for Divine sustenance.
Leave the Worrying to Avinu BaShamayim – by Rabbi Yissocher Frand
The simple interpretation of these pasukim [verses] is that the primary thrust of the command is to be “Oleh Regel”. As a secondary point, the Torah informs us that while one is away from home performing this mitzvah, there is no need to fear that someone will covet the land.
Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress: the Torah Scroll – from the Jewish Virtual Library
There is therefore remarkable uniformity in copies of the Torah scrolls, the only differences being in the size of the scrolls, the number of lines, the calligraphy, and whether the scroll is made of parchment or leather.
Evidence of the Divine Origin of the Torah – by Rabbi Meir Goldberg
The purpose of this essay is to provide evidence that G-d gave the Jewish people the Torah at Sinai approximately 3300 years ago
You are Living Proof – by Rabbi Moshe Grylak
Every Jew is a living testimony to the veracity of the Torah, even according to the rules of the skeptics. The fact that you’re still here is a fact that no human author could have possibly known thousands of years ago
Mark Twain and the Jews – from Simple to Remember
Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk.
Torah Min Hashomayim – by Rabbi Chaim Coffman
The mitzvah of Shmittah contains an explicit promise from Hashem that if we observe it, the produce of the sixth year will be sufficient for two years, and in a Yovel year for three years. Moshe Rabbeinu would not have dared to make such a promise unless he had heard it from Hashem, and just like the mitzvah of Shmittah could not have been fabricated by him, so too all the other mitzvos were conveyed to Moshe at Sinai directly by Hashem. Thus, the mitzvah of Shmittah is proof of Torah min haShomayim.
Parshas Behar – from the Travelling Rabbi
So what really happens in Israel during a shmittah year? Does everyone just starve? Do you have to just sit and watch your produce rot in your field? Do all those farmers just go without an income for a year? Do they really let their land lie fallow?
Shmittah: The Sixth Year Bumper Crop – from
Do we see a bumper crop in the sixth year today? Why not?
Behar – by Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky
Questions and answers on Shmittah. Specifically see the question “What is the connection between shemittah and Mount Sinai?”
Historical Verification of the Torah-Jewish Survival – by Rabbi Dr. Dovid Gottlieb
The 3,000 years of Jewish existence is miraculous and unique.
Har Sinai as the Foundation for Prophesy – by Rabbi Avishai David
The Shmittah Controversy – by Rabbi Berel Wein
The Bible Codes are True – by Matityahu Glazerson
Torah Scrolls Around the World – by Rabbi Moshe Zeldman
Please note: The views expressed in the articles, links, videos, etc. reflect the views of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the thinking of NLE Resources.