Bringing people into shul or a community center is a lot easier during the High Holidays. The challenge lies in retaining the new people or converting those visitors into members after Yom Kippur services. Nowadays, shuls and community kollelim look for ways to highlight just how much they are a dynamic and vibrant center of Jewish life. And so, in addition to a slew of classes given by the rabbi(s), guest speakers from around the world and various other programs are scheduled throughout the year.
However, doing so is not simple. It must be broadcasted and marketed in the right forum. For some shuls this may mean sending emails about their latest speaker or event. Others may find that the most effective medium is through an announcement on a social media page. Still, the demographic of your shul or kollel may call for a nice brochure to be designed and mailed to all of the congregants.
Below we present to you two links of inspiration. We trust that from the graphical layout on down you will learn at least one thing from seeing how beautifully these two shuls have highlighted the programming they will offer over the coming months:
Boca Raton Synangouge Adult Education Booklet
Young Israel of Century City Program Booklet
Feel free to also browser our selection of hand picked flyers and brochures available for free here. You can also check out more resources on this topic on NLEResources.com by checking out this page.
Plus, check out on Twitter: @Go2Shul. Moderated by Binyamin (Ben) Ehrenkranz, this account tweets about the latest news, bright ideas, and dynamite programming from synagogues.
You are Invited!
NLEResources.com invites you to send us your great brochure. If we agree, we’ll feature it in a future blog!