At NLEResources.com, our goal is to bring you the latest news, ideas, and insights in the world of kiruv, chinuch, programming, marketing, management and more! We have published two posts (available here and here) that have highlighted great programming brochures so that your shul or community kollel could be aware of how others are marketing and whom you could bring to speak at your next event. Many people responded positively to these post and have even submitted their brochures for us to share with our readers!
In this post, we are highlighting a brochure from Maayan Yisroel Chassidic Center, located in Los Angeles, California. At first glance, the pages may come across as “basic”. However, from a branding perspective it’s important to note that they use the same two fonts throughout the brochure, and by extension, their flyers as well as their brochures are clean, modern yet respectful, and help convey a certain energy to the reader. You can view their brochure from Elul and Tishrei in full here.
The next brochure we are going to feature hails from Aish Denver. This This shul and outreach center aims to be a vibrant and contemporary center for Jewish life and for families. In order to give people an overview of everything that they offer, they publish a brochure called, The Shmooze (see here) as well as a weekly newsletter (see here).
We trust that from the graphical layout on down you will learn at least one thing from seeing how beautifully Maayan Yisroel and Aish Denver have highlighted the programming they’ve offered during recent months.
Feel free to also browse our selection of hand-picked flyers and brochures available for free here. You can also check out more resources on this topic on NLEResources.com by checking out this page.
You are Invited!
NLEResources.com invites you to send us your great brochure. If we agree, we’ll feature it in a future blog!