We all know how a great quote can really make the difference and help drive home your message. Sometimes, one quote makes the difference and really resonates with a crowd. But, finding just the right quote is sometimes an arduos task. There are many books that you can buy that have culled together thousands of great quotes to help you in this department. Sure enough, we offer a free book entitled, Book of Quotations which provides quotes from A to Z on hundreds of topics for use in talks and written material.
Speaking of talks, we have already highlighted TEDTalks (see here) once before on the NLE Blog. Recently, the people behind TEDTalks have started a new site Ted Quotes. This site culls the best quotes that have come out of hundreds of TEdTalks. Plus, you can easily search for the quotes by topic, or popular quotes. Because the page is updated on a regular basis, you’ll definitely find it an interesting resource that you can use to further enhance your lectures, articles, and classes.