Rabbi Michoel Green, webmaster and managing editor of NLE Resources, wants to meet you at AJOP!
Following the smashing success and global appeal of the NLE Morasha Syllabus, NLE Resouces.com launched three months ago, and immediately captured the attention of rabbis and educators worldwide. With hundreds of resources in English, Spanish, French, and Russian; a new easy-to-use interface for the Morasha Syllabus; and free access to the online Bar Ilan Responsa Project, we’ve already signed up nearly 400 account holders, and were visited in December by over 2,700 different visitors from around North America, South America, Russia, Australia, Europe, and Israel.
We’re glad to announce that Rabbi Michoel Green, our talented webmaster and managing editor – not to mention well-known Overseas Director at Bnot Torah/Sharfman’s – will be at the upcoming AJOP conference in Connecticut to meet you, share information about NLE Resources.com, and find out what more we can do to assist you and to make NLE Resources an even greater asset to your organization. Rabbi Green will be signing up new NLE Resources members, and will be manning a table in the entryway to the Ballroom and Meeting rooms at the Stamford Plaza. Please keep your eyes open for him, and stop by to learn more about what we have to offer, sign up, or share your feedback.
Please feel free to contact him in advance here.