As an educator or rabbi, you know how difficult it is to convey a message and have it truly impact someone. Lessons with a lot of information can be hard to digest—let alone to teach. For this reason and more, infographics—which are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge—have become an incredibly popular medium. After all, as Alex Zagoumenov explains, “pictures are a lot more fun to look at than reading a 1000-word article…infographics offer a simple description…”.
Several months ago, we featured a post called, How to Make Your Own Infographic Part 1. Below, we are going to highlight additional links that you can use to design your own infographic, or smaller parts that you can combine to make a larger overall graphic.
- A very simple and easy to use graph and chart generator, Hohli is perfect for making up parts of a larger infographic.
- You can use this free site to create stunning graphs. There are lots of different display options.
- This site will collect personal data over time and display it in a variety of different formats. For example see here. The site produces nice clean designs, and is available in free and premium formats. You can read more about the site here.
- This site uses uploaded data to create infographics. Done either by you with your data or with the help of their visualisation engine. Click here for examples. Wide range of options and styles.
- While this link doesn’t lead you to a particular site, it does provide with you over 100 infographic tools and resources!
- Piktochart: Arguably the easiest tool to build an infographic. The site offers various plans from free to a monthly plan. Learn more by watching the video below:
We hope that you’ll find the resources ln both of these blog posts helpful and don’t forget to checkout our wonderful Jewish infographics.
Before we go, we want to help you tackle one final question: Let’s be honest. It takes a lot more time (and sometimes money) to create just one infographic, than it would take to write a blogpost. Is it really worth it?
What better way to answer the question, then with an infographic!
Created by Nowsourcing, a social-media marketing company, the following infographic below shows that posts of this nature dwarf traditional blogposts when it comes to sharing on social networks. In short, your infographic will be passed on to friends and family much more than a blogpost or typed up drasha, and by extension, give your shul, fundraising cause, event, or organization much greater exposure.
Alex Zagoumenov
Rabbi Michoel, thank you for mentioning my name in the post. I enjoyed your post too, both parts. I hope we stay in touch!