Rabbi Yosef Y. Ettlinger is the executive director of PROJECT FELLOW—Yesharim Foundation for Ethical Law, and is also the Rosh Kollel of the Beit Midrash L’Torah U’Tefillah/Aish HaTorah Program.
Under the guidance of Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, I founded PROJECT FELLOW—Yesharim Foundation for Ethical Law as a means to spread awareness of topics related to Choshen Mishpat. PROJECT FELLOW has materials that can be used as a tool for in-reach and outreach. We offer free weekly source sheets that can help you prepare classes for beginners and advanced students, and are developing textbooks in conjunction with Torah Umesorah. As such, PROJECT FELLOW—Yesharim Foundation for Ethical Law is an organization that is at the forefront of advancing business law awareness and ethics compliance. PROJECT FELLOW impassions students of all ages and backgrounds to explore, tackle, and discover Judaism’s timeless prisms on compounding contemporary moral issues, via progressive, engaging, and multi-tracked interactive educational means.
We have compiled guided modules and relevant, intriguing, and challenging ethical dilemmas to discover and study pragmatic Jewish ethics. The source sheets are designed so that both the scholar and layperson will enjoy learning from them and become enthused with the wisdom and maturity of applied Jewish ethics!
Today, hundreds of elementary schools, high schools, colleges, yeshivas, educators, student groups, professionals, and individuals use PROJECT FELLOW’s tailor made curricula. Plus, PROJECT FELLOW also offers interactive webinars, conventions and seminars, publications, web based “Ask the Ethicist” and weekly WHAT’S THE LAW newsletters!
Please feel free to contact us to learn how you can use PROJECT FELLOW in your community and school. You can subscribe for FREE to our acclaimed weekly emails featuring exciting, practical, and challenging ethical dilemmas, by emailing info@projectfellow.org. You can also reach me via email at: yosef.ettlinger@projectfellow.org.
Below are some PDF samples of our weekly source sheets that I am providing on this blog for the NLEResources.com readership.