Torah Live is graciously offering all NLE Resources registered users, the ability to use for FREE the amazing videos below (the videos are usually only free for home users but not for teachers):
1) Four animations about the laws of building a kosher sukka: How to Build a Sukka parts 1-4.
2) Four videos about the laws of arba minim. Using the latest multimedia technology, this presentation will clearly guide you, step-by-step, through everything you need to know! Please note: these four are also free but require registering here first.
3) Ultimate Shelter was filmed in the Judean Desert and shows us how to leave our problems at the doorstep of the sukkah and let Hashem be our “Ultimate Shelter.”

We suggest playing the animations with the volume off. This gives you a chance to talk and use the graphics to explain what you are teaching.
Anyone wishing to use the animations in their classes, is welcome to do so on condition that they email d.roth@torahlive.com their name, city, and name of organization.
Chag Sameach!