The Worldwide Sukkathon is an initiative for Jewish institutions to collectively learn and complete Masechta Sukkah on Hashana Rabba night followed by a siyum. Each institution wishing to
NJOP would like to invite you to apply to participate in Sukkot Across America 2016. Simply agree to run a free and exciting program in your sukkah that will appeal to the wider Jewish community on the non-Shabbat days of Chol Hamoed Sukkot: Wednesday, October
Torah Live is graciously offering all NLE Resources registered users, the ability to use for FREE the amazing videos below (the videos are usually only free for home users but not for teachers): 1) Four animations about the laws of building a kosher sukka: How to Build a Sukka parts 1-4. 2) Four videos about the laws... Read more »
NJOP invites you to apply to participate in Sukkot Across America 2013. Simply agree to run a free and exciting program in your Sukkah that will appeal to the wider Jewish community on Sunday, September 22