From time to time, we publish blogposts that featured great programming brochures or ideas so that your shul or community kollel can be aware of wonderful events from around the globe.
Last year, we wrote a blogpost entitled, Turn the Super Bowl Halftime Show into a Torah Halftime Show. We encourage you to read it once again as it highlights how your shul or school could use a game, to bring people closer to Torah.
With Super Bowl XLVIII now less than two weeks away, we want to bring to your attention a programming idea that is being run for the first time ever!
The West Side Institutional Synagogue in New York City is inviting Jewish children in grades 5-12 to be a part of The Super Torah Bowl contest. All participants will compete in a Super Bowl-themed Torah essay contest judged by a panel of prominent rabbis, teachers, and Jewish NFL and MLB champions!
The Super Torah Bowl will consist of a submitted written essay and an oral presentation on the morning of Super Bowl Sunday and the winning contestant will be awarded the grand prize of two tickets to Super Bowl XLVIII at MetLife Stadium.

This program is a great opportunity to bring out the creativity and Torah knowledge of our Jewish youth, and help take Super Bowl excitement and channel it towards a productive and meaningful purpose.
Truth be told, much of the impact of this sort of event can be achieved in your city and can lead to a lot of engagement by young and old alike—even if you don’t have the same budget and can’t offer the winning contestant two tickets to the Super Bowl.
We encourage you to learn more about this idea by checking out the new website that they created for the event called: SuperTorahBowl.com.
Looking for additional sports-related resources? Don’t forget to checkout this post: Judaism and Sports: A Roundup of Helpful Educational Resources.