Have you ever felt that you could use some direction in advancing your organization? Perhaps a personal mentor or course designed just for you to upgrade your marketing and fundraising skills?
Then NextDor is just what you’ve been looking for.
NextDor is an organization founded by a group of people dedicated to empowering the next generation of Jewish leaders. NextDor has a simple objective: give the future Jewish leadership the tools they need to run and grow sustainable organizations that meet the growing needs of the Jewish community.
The Story Behind NextDor
Jewish communities across the globe are rapidly evolving. Nonprofit organizations dealing with outreach to inreach and beyond are faced with the great challenge of meeting their growing needs, often with severely inadequate funding and countless other obstacles.
In the 21st century, for nonprofits and community initiatives to survive and thrive, they need to be run like successful businesses by leaders with an entrepreneurial mindset. Today, if an organization isn’t built on sound business practices, it doesn’t have staying power and won’t be able to achieve its goals.
Co-founders Chanan Kaufman and Nachum Kligman – both serial entrepreneurs – set out to create an organization that empowers the next generation of Jewish leaders with the training, mentorship, funding and real-world knowledge they need to take their initiatives to the next level and make them soar.
NextDor, Next Step
As the torch of responsibility is passed on to the next generation, today’s upcoming leaders need the opportunity to learn practical lessons and proven strategies from the best and brightest leaders in the Jewish world. 50+ all-stars from across the business and nonprofit sectors are now on board the NextDor team. They are committed to volunteering their time to teach, mentor and network with future Jewish leaders and help them develop their visions and accelerate their success.
THIS SUMMER: The NextDor Accelerator Program
Running simultaneously in New York, Los Angeles and Jerusalem this summer, the NextDor Accelerator Program will empower a group of just 19 hand-picked individuals in each city to launch their nonprofit concept or catapult an existing initiative to the next level.
Through intensive training and mentorship, young Jewish leaders enrolled in this 8 week course will develop the skills, knowledge and relationships necessary to take their initiatives from conception to implementation. Topics covered include nonprofit marketing strategy, high-level fundraising, how to take a consistent salary, and social media use in the nonprofit world. Registration has been strong and there are limited spots remaining. We look forward to supporting an impressive group of participants.
Learn more about this incredible growth opportunity or register today at www.nextdor.org/acclerator.
Rabbi Chanan Kaufman is an established innovator and serial entrepreneur in the fields of Jewish outreach, leadership development, Israel advocacy and business education. He has founded a number of nonprofit and for-profit companies and is a pioneer in starting organizations that fuel significant movements of social change, including Aish New York, Jerusalem Fellowships, GoInspire, Bizrael and most recently NextDor.