The Better You Planner is an organized system, based on the Jewish concept of ‘Spiritual Accounting,’ to help you become a better person by tackling some of your bad habits in just 4 weeks – exactly the amount of time you have in the month of Elul! The concept behind this planner is very simple: LITTLE CHANGES CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE!
You want to make big changes in your life. We all do. You want to overcome your bad character traits. You want to be a better person, a better husband, a better parent, you want to learn more, to be successful. You want to accomplish so much! But you have to do it in small steps. If you don’t do it that way, you won’t do it at all. That’s the whole secret.
People think bad traits are unchangeable, but there are ways to change them. You feel frustrated? Your temper is ruining your relationships? Your career? The bad traits of a human being may be subdued, and even transformed. Man has the power to subdue his own nature and to change it through exercise and practice. But you have to do it in small steps.
The Better You Planner will give you the confidence you need to start making big changes. Taking small steps toward your goals is the only way to succeed. The ‘no pain, no gain’ approach actually makes it easier for us to give up on our goals instead of reaching them.
The Better You Planner will help you take SMALL steps toward your BIG goals.
Click here to download a print-friendly PDF version of the Better You Planner for FREE
The ‘Better You Project’ is an effort to inspire people and empower them to become better. Spread the word and share it with your friends, congregants or anyone who could benefit from it!