There is a lot of misinformation about COVID-19 and the ignorance is still shocking until today. This misunderstanding becomes quickly apparent within a few minutes of discussing the coronavirus with individuals and even with some community leaders. On Thursday, March 19, Tribe Journal had the opportunity to get clarity on this virus, which has disrupted the world and Jewish life in previously unthinkable ways, by visiting with world-renowned expert Dr. Michael Klompas. Dr. Klompas explained what the coronavirus is, how it spreads, and how to protect our families and communities.
Dr. Klompas is a vibrant participant in the Boston Jewish community, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School, as well as an Infectious Disease Physician and Epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. This interview consists of a robust 30-minute overview of the virus and its mechanics, followed by questions and answers. Much of our visit is summarized in Tribe Journal’s blog post, which you can access here. You can view the webinar in full below:
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