What Are They Really Thinking?

Effective Tools to Elicit Constructive Feedback

Feedback is often called the Breakfast of Champions. It gives us key insight into the work that we are doing and guides us on how best to plan for the future. Now, as summer approaches, school and organizational leaders have a great opportunity to collect feedback from core constituents and use that information to plan for the coming year and beyond.

Join Rabbi Naphtali Hoff, President of Impactful Coaching & Consulting, and a regular contributor to NLEResources.com, for a special webinar on soliciting constituent feedback. In the webinar you will learn:


  • The tremendous value – for you and your organization – in soliciting constituentfeedback.
  • Why this is a great time to ask people their opinion.
  • How to use feedback to drive key decision making.
  • Some primary obstacles to collecting honest, meaningful feedback.

The webinar will take place THIS Thursday, June 4, at 12 noon (EST).

Click here to register for this valuable learning opportunity.



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