Instagram is not just a social network, but also a tool that can be used to construct an image of your organization. More than 80% of the largest companies use Instagram to promote their products. But what about nonprofit organizations (NPOs)? Is it reasonable to use Instagram for non-commercial purposes? Lucy Adams, an expert Buzz Essay writer, knows the answer.

First, let’s turn to statistics to understand the scale of this social network:

  • About 80 million new photos posted per day
  • 500 million active users monthly
  • 90 million followers of Instagram’s top account

Quite eloquent, isn’t it? Obviously, NPOs can benefit greatly by having a well-promoted Instagram account. And I would really like to see NPOs remembering that the key to promotion on Instagram is visual content. People can perceive visual information much faster than text, so it’s important that your message on social networks contains an attractive image.

After analyzing the most successful advertising campaigns of NPOs, I’ve identified five strategies that will help organizations actively promote an account on Instagram.

#1 Properly Fill the Profile

Start with filling in your account information. Upload a photo of your brand or a logo. Add information about the activities of the organization and the goals you are pursuing. Formulate a clear, concise and compelling description of your NPO so potential followers can identify with your relevance and mission.  

Be sure to place a link to your official website, a list of further events or anything else that you want to promote. Pay attention to privacy settings; publications should be accessible to all users.

#2 Choose Appropriate Publication Frequency

The most loyal followers are those most familiar with your publications. Establish a publishing schedule depending on your organization’s activities and the volume of material at your disposal.

The best time for publishing:

  • 8.00 a.m.–11.00 a.m. – morning traffic jams
  • 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. – lunch break
  • 10 p.m. – 12 a.m. – leisure/free hours

Adjust the automatic integration of Instagram photos to Facebook and other social networks so you will reach a wider audience.

According to Simply Measured, messages with at least one hashtag show a 12.6% better user involvement. Do not use a lot of hashtags; the optimal number is 2 or 3 that refer to the brand name, a separate event, etc.

#3 Design Your Instagram Account According to the Corporate Identity of the Organization

Develop a unique design of accounts on all social networks, including Instagram. The content, visual representation, etc. should be done in the same style. This will increase the awareness of your brand.

Try to establish a visualize representation of your organization’s values and mission. This can be done by presenting the facts and statistics on your nonprofit’s agenda. Highlight the importance of your organization’s work using quotes of famous people like here, excerpts from popular works, etc. Show your office’s everyday life, volunteers and partners.  

#4 Share Your Success Using Instagram Stories

Present your accomplishments in the most inspiring way using colorful and memorable photos. Show people that your nonprofit is worthwhile. Posts should be written in a style to involve your subscribers in the life of the organization. Share your experiences and stories.

By the way, Instagram has just released a new section named “Instagram Stories.” This enables users to place multiple pictures and videos in a single publication, thus creating an organization’s history. Instagram Stories is positioned as a separate blog for situations when you don’t want to overload the tape with too many photos. After 24 hours of posting, your “Instagram Story” disappears while comments remain in private messages.

#4 Use “@” to Personalize Communication

Refer to profiles of activists and grateful clients to create an image of personal communication. Posts that contain “@” references get 50% more involvement. A good practice is creating separate posts to thank the participants of charitable actions. Share the first successes of your clients and follow their lifeline on Instagram.

#5 Create and Retain Contact with the Audience

Engage in relevant discussions, conduct polls and photo contests. Allow subscribers to share experiences and express their opinions. Promote your organization around holidays and significant local, national and international current events. Be open-hearted and always response to incoming queries.


Lucy Adams is a diligent blogger from BuzzEssay. For essay assistance, click here. Lucy is a generalist who’s always in touch and ready to help.



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