In Parshas Bo, God carries out the final tenth plague, the killing of the first born Egyptian children, “So that you shall know that God will have differentiated between Egypt and Israel” [Shemos 11:7].  Following the prior nine plagues when God also demonstrated His ability to precisely distinguish between the Egyptians and Bnei Yisroel, God now drives home the message that the world is run with absolute Hashgachah Pratis Divine Providence – a critical foundation of Jewish belief.    

Sections of two Morasha Pesach shiurim address the Ten Plagues and the lessons derived to teach Hashgachah.

Two full Morasha shiurim address Hashgachah. The first class investigates the nature of Divine Providence and how it applies both generally to the cosmos and specifically to mankind. The second class deals more personally with how Divine Providence manifests itself in our own lives.


Slavery and the Pesach Miracles

Section II of the Morasha shiur Pesach I discusses The Pesach Miracles and Their Lessons.


Nationhood, Providence & Freedom

Section II of the Morasha shiur Pesach II examines Divine Providence and Belief in God.


The Nature and Dynamics of Hashgachah Pratis

The Morasha shiur on The Nature and Dynamics of Hashgachah Pratis addresses the following questions:   

  • What does “Divine Providence” really mean?
  • Are there different degrees of Divine Providence among people, or is everyone the same?
  • Does God also care about animals and insects?  
  • Does being the Chosen Nation mean that we have a special measure of Divine Providence?


Perceiving God in Our Lives

The Morasha shiur on Perceiving God in Our Lives examines the following issues:

  • How do I see God’s Providence?  Is He really “talking to me” through events in my life?
  • Does Judaism believe in fate? If so, can it be changed?
  • Aren’t changes in economies and my paycheck random?  
  • What about accidents and mishaps? Are those also part of God’s Providence?

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