In today’s busy world, there are many different ways that one can use to send someone a message. The most conventional way to do so is through the use of email. Still, many people find that people do not get a response. Below, we review three tips to help you better ensure that you’ll get a response.

Timing is Everything!

One possible reason why people or a particular person never hits the reply button—is simply the time you usually send your messages.

Think about it: if for example, Josh Silverstein, a sophomore you met on campus is in school at night, it’s really easy for any late messages to go completely unnoticed—or opened and then forgotten about because he didn’t have time to respond at that very moment.

And so, if you are opting to contact this person by sending an email (remember: email may not be the right way to deliver your message), email marketing firm GetResponse analyzed a whopping 21 million email messages to find the best hours for sending emails (if you want them opened). They report that a majority of emails land in the inbox in the morning. It follows that those sent in the afternoon have a greater chance of being opened and clicked on. Still, it’s important to keep in mind who your recipient is and that you probably should avoid sending emails during rush hour, class, child-bathing hour, carpool and dinner time.

Email Etiquette!

Yes, there is such a thing as email etiquette!
If you are sending an email, you can boost its chances of being read and replied to if you follow good email etiquette (see this handy list from Seth Godin as well as the infographic below). You don’t have to follow all of the rules listed in the links we provide. However, it is best to work on keeping your email concise while still being as descriptive as possible.
How can you do so?
Use the subject line. This space can be used not just for a generic heading. Instead, you can use it to remind the recipient of any previous conversations (just in case Josh has forgotten). At the same time it makes your request short and sweet—yet still complete.

Resend the Message

Sometimes, we all just need a friendly and polite nudge/reminder. If the message is important, go ahead and resend it, saying something like “I wasn’t sure if you got this, so I’m following up to see what you thought.”

What are some of the ways that you have used to make sure that you get a timely response from a prospective student, congregant, or donor? We’d love to hear your tried and tested methods in the comments section below.

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