This year, Taanis Esther falls out on Thursday before Parshas Zachor. Grasping the significant symbolism of this year’s calendar, which won’t repeat itself for another three years, Yizkereim is inviting shuls to participate in Yizkereim’s Zachor…Lo Tishkach Program. Yizkeriem intends to seize the meaningful eis ratzon at the mincha-time Avinu Malkeinu, and honor the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust as well as perpetuate the legacy of the Holocaust survivors.
To that end, they encourage you to compile background sketches of survivors in your shul or area and distribute and share them with those who are in attendance. They will supply you with fill-in tools (e.g. list of survivors. men and women, where they are from, brief bios, etc.). Participating shuls will receive a Yizkor Ner Tamid as an everlasting gift.

Yizkeriem is also offering you their newest documentary called: Strike on Heaven. You can show it before Mincha, between Mincha and Maariv, or later in the evening.
Produced jointly by Torah Umesorah’s Zechor Yemos Olam program and the Rabbi Leib Geliebter Memorial Foundation, this documentary was recently shown in three hundred and fifty schools on Asara B’Teves. We are certain that your students and congregants will find meaning in the messages found within this documentary.
Plus, the first one hundred shuls to sign up for this program can apply for grants of $50 to $150 towards “break-fast”, on the condition that you send in photos of your event and complete a brief survey.
To register, complete the registration form here. You can also email them at info@yizkereim.com or call Suzanne Hersher at 718-338-0679. Upon registration, they will send you the DVD and links to collateral material, including fill-in posters and fliers to advertise the event.