Produced by the Mishnah Yomi group of Ohr Somayach Savoy in Johannesburg, South Africa. The group has been learning together every morning before davening for nearly ten years.

Many of us are aware of the Mishna Yomi learning programs available worldwide. Our particular Mishna Yomi program started in Johannesburg nearly ten years ago with a small group of people whose goal was to learn two Mishnayos daily.  After a short while, in order to assist group members who missed shiurim, the daily shiur was recorded and distributed by e-mail just to the group who registered for the daily shiur.  However, as time passed, more and more people requested to join the group and receive the audio files via e-mail.  

A website was soon developed from where the group members could download any Mishna they wanted. The latest development is the app Mishna Yomi available for free in the iStore and Google Play stores. This app can now be downloaded by anyone at

What distinguishes our Mishna Yomi program? The shiur is focused on trying to give listeners a clear understanding of the Mishna and thereby provides a broad overview of each Mishna. We spend less time delving into the depths of the Mishna which can become like Gemorrah learning.

The app itself is free and easy to use. The student can listen to the daily English shiurim streamed to their phone covering the two Mishnayos for that day. The app also has a reminder function to alert the user to listen to the daily Mishna at designated times. The app also features a tracking function enabling the listener to “tick off” after completing a particular day.

Mishna Yomi Mailer

People without iPhones or Androids can still join the daily e-mail list and receive the two Mishnayos by sending a request to with their name and city.  Any questions about the app or program can also be e-mailed to this address.




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