Many of us aware of the Mishna Yomi learning programs available worldwide. Our particular Mishna Yomi program started in Johannesburg nearly ten years ago with a small group of people whose goal was to learn two Mishnayos daily. After a short while, in order to assist group members who missed
I first learned about Twitter about three years ago while attending YouthCon, an educators' convention in New York, from Rabbi Dov Emerson (@dovemerson), now the Head of School in YULA (@yulaboys). To this day I owe him thanks for opening my eyes to the world of Twitter and EdTech in the classroom. Since then, it has become my passion. I'd like to share with you a
I have had the pleasure of teaching Gemara in a yeshiva high school for the past ten years. Each year, I struggle to ensure that I teach my students the depth of each topic, focus on helping them develop textual skills, as well as cover ground. These are not easily achievable goals. I find myself reflecting in the last third of each year, trying to determine if I have reached my goals. Over time