Does your organization need an easy and fun fundraiser?

Put the fun in your fundraising with a sports related event!

In Great Sports-related Fundraising: Part 1 – Golf!, we explored how you can run a successful fundraiser on—of all places—a golf course and in Great Sports-related Fundraising: Part 2 – Cycling we showed how organizations such as Chai Lifeline are using this sport to raise awareness and funds for their organization.

In this post, we are going to focus on how the Ramat Beit Shemesh-based Lema’an Achai recently used a bowling event as a great way to increase camaraderie, interest, and charitable funds.

As we now enter the seasons of spring and summer, you may be on the lookout for ways to still draw people—especially families—into your events, so that they feel connected to your organization throughout the year. The reason why this sport is great to consider is because young and old alike can enjoy playing an indoor sport under an air-conditioned roof.

Lema’an Achai’s Bowl-A-Thon was held at the new bowling alley in Bet Shemesh. And, as opposed to other events that require training such as a bike race or a marathon, this is something that anyone can enjoy. After all, there’s no need to be particularly sporty, as bowling alleys even offer bowlers bumpers!

Every participant at Lema’an Achai’s Bowl-A-Thon received a t-shirt and was treated to a delicious dairy buffet. This is yet another opportunity for an organization to receive funds for all of the corporate signage that will be at the buffet and on the t-shirt. Plus, if you opt to have a more formal meal afterwards, you can choose to give speeches and even award the winner with a trophy.

Speaking of corporate involvement, for events like these, you can turn to a local Jewish grocery store or other retailers around your neighborhood to see if they would be interested in sponsoring t-shirts, water bottles, a gift bag, and other related items that can be handed out.

Check out the great roundup of the event written by Rafi Goldmeier here. Below, is the flyer from the event and a picture of some of those who bowled.





Ready to explore this option?

Keep in mind: your local bowling alley may have experience in hosting fundraising events and can be a great resource when it comes to ensuring that your fundraiser will launch without a glitch! See for example this flyer from a bowling alley in Florida that is advertising to nonprofit organizations.

We hope that you’ll be able to cull some great ideas from this post. Be on the look out for more posts in this series.



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