Is it worth it to use humor in your marketing? Will it help bring in people to your events and programming even when it’s not Adar or Purim time?
Consider this: The Nielsen Global Survey of Trust in Advertising polled more than 29,000 Internet respondents in 58 countries to measure consumer sentiment on 19 forms of advertising formats.
47% percent of global respondents agreed that humorous ads resonated most!
In 2014, humor remains one of the most effective ways to get people’s attention and to help potential students or congregants feel at ease with you or your institution.

Every Day is Adar for Oreo Cookies
Below, is a look at one particular brand that has been using humor across its social media channels to connect with audiences, boost awareness, sell new products, and improve customer service.
Oreo’s Twitter feed has no problem being funny in 140 characters or less. It isn’t so much about deep and meaningful interaction as it is about entertaining followers with cookie-related jokes, random facts, new flavors, etc. With over 290,000 followers, that’s a lot of love for the comical cookie.
A Jewish Example
Depending on the age demographic that you are trying to attract, taking a selfie or using a more humorous tone online and in person could help you and your organization come across as “chilled” and relatable.
For an example of this, see the Instagram picture below. It’s a humorous selfie (c’mon how many times have you heard the word rabbi and selfie in the same sentence?) taken by Rabbi Danny Wolfe of Aish New York.
He posted it saying, “Hanging out with our 30 strong Level 2 Aishers. Thanks @therealtzvi for teaching me this sweet move #aishny #alef.”
Rabbi Wolfe found a great way to highlight his event, without the picture feeling like a stuffy PR piece which—to young adults—is right up their alley!
Before You Try This…
If you are trying to reach teens, young professionals, or families, keep in mind that even the most serious brands and organization’s are using humor every day. After all, it’s a great way to show off a more informal side and let people get to know you and what you represent.
However, you must remember that just because something is funny to you doesn’t mean it should be shared with the masses or will come across as funny to others. Unfortunately, too many companies and nonprofits have found that one flippant tweet has backfired, or that a joke was in bad taste and had to be quickly deleted.
There’s a fine line between funny and relatable and being edgy and crass, and what seems to be off-the-cuff humor may have been crafted by experts to get exactly the right tone. If in doubt, do not post this type of joke or picture on a social media site or your organizations website.
For some people, this image below is great and full of chizuk. Others would find it offensive.
As with everything, think about your audience and craft your pictures, newsletters and blog posts to speak to them. Hatzlacha!
UPDATE: We do want to recognize @TheRealTzvi as the true innovator of the #rabbiselfie 🙂